Friday, December 25, 2009
3 Idiots - My Verdict
So, coming to the low points of the movie, the whole “Labor Scene” sequence was presented stupidly. Second, some places, Kareena and Aamir looked older. I wish young newcomers could have been taken, but may be the risk factor would have been a problem for the movie makers. And, finally, leaking out the exam paper and the friend not even having a glance at it was indigestible. Now c’mon, anyone would at least have look at the questions, though, might continue to prepare for the complete targeted syllabus, as, before getting the leaked questions. At least I did that, in my so called “Engineering Life”, just like a larger population of other students.
But, I would let that go, and forgive the story of the movie, and completely give all the credit to the humor put into it, which completely justified the movie, in itself, to be, a big release and a hit. I would rate “4 STAR”. I might be a bit harsh in bringing out the flaws in the movie which everyone would have loved, but I wanted it to be a “5 Star”, which it could have, if not for those parts. Well I just wish that the level of comedy in other Bollywood movies will also be made competent enough in the coming year.
With that note, I would say - watch the movie. It’s worth one watch!
Merry Christmas!!!
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
2 -states
After seeing a movie followed by dinner on a Sunday evening, I was in my usual trauma, of having to go to office the next day. But who knew that I will have an amazing 2 day read about an almost masala-movie-cum-novel – “2 States”. I had decided earlier that, I would sleep by 11:30, so that getting up @ 6:30 will not be as painful as it had recently become, because of my Late-to-bed habit. As I read, continued to flip the pages lying on my bed, rarely getting my eyes off the book, at a point of time, my eyes felt heavy. I wondered if I was fine. Then I looked at my mobile to a shock! It was 3:00 in the morning. I just had three and a half hours to sleep. Oh shit! I said to my self – “Sleep, otherwise you will have a tough Monday to fight” and as I turned over to face the wall on my right, thoughts of, what would happen next, pondered in my mind. Will Krish and Ananya, the lead characters of the story, be able to convince their parents who had just arrived IIM-A for attending the convocation ceremony of their children respectively. Next, I was overpowered by the temptation to know more about what “will happen”. And I opened the book. Somehow, I could no longer keep my eyes open after half an hour, as it had started hurting me.
Yesterday after I came back from office around 9, I was stuck with the book again. I had completely forgotten that, I had not had anything for dinner. At around 11, realizing I had skipped my dinner, I went to the kitchen. I thought for a while I stood there in a strange stupefaction, I came back to my bed again and let my laziness win over the hunger. I will put it better – “Let my curiousity win over laziness”. But I wondered if I was really hungry!
Story continued. I kept moving from one page to another, one chapter to another. As Krish, one of the protagonist of the story trying his level best to convince his girlfriend’s South Indian parents, bearing the brunt of their behavior and followed by Ananya, the girlfriend, looking up to getting her would-be-mother-in-law convinced to accept her to prove herself the perfect “bahu”.
I shed a drop of tear as Krish had stopped having his food and fell ill due to a small misunderstanding with Ananya, though not very sure, if tear drop was because I was hungry and I could feel his pain. I would go with the second option. :)
The story continued with the dark colored shades of cultures from respective states merged to end into a beautiful color of happily-married-ever-after ending.
Oh, how much I love happy endings... :)
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
1. do i wish to have something and can never have it?
2. do i not have the power to revert time back?
3. do i think too much about what is "past"?
4. do i not take my decisions seriously?
5. do i sometimes think "if this would not have happened"?
6. do i sometimes take things too much to heart?
7. do i make mistakes and repent over the spilt milk?
8. do i smile when i repeat my mistakes?
9. do i yell at small things and keep mum for bigger things, when actually required to be yelled?
10. do i always expect for everything to fall in place?
11. do i sometimes like rains, even though i don't like it other times?
Friday, November 27, 2009
(-No Topic-)
It has been a year, since I have started with my job, and the next thing that comes to everyone’s mind is “Wedding”. And the maximum of these conversations come from none other than, people of my age group. Now can you beat that!!! Oh lord!! Save me. Just because I stay alone, does it mean, I need to get married to someone who can take care of me! I CAN take care of myself. And, thinking of yet another option, I can keep a full time “Domestic Helper” to accomplish this concerning task, of taking care of a 22 year old girl!!!
I guess, I am exclaiming way too much, but I hope, every girl of my age would surely freak out at the very mention of “Marriage”. And so do I.
Though I don’t know, what will happen in near future, there are some things which I really want to do before getting cuffed, into the chains. I have a long wish list, which needs to be fulfilled. I just hope I can hold on and get away with at least half of them.
In the meantime, I will continue to keep my cool, with all the sort of direct and indirect questioning. :)
Sunday, August 2, 2009
Responsibility towards nature.....
One such recent activity was, a social event held with the team in office, where we went to this beautiful lake of Kasavanahalli with an astonishing sight of birds, greenery, trees, butterflies, dots of colors sprayed by the flowers in the greenery.
We too went green (by wearing green for the event) with dots of colors here and there… :). As we
But for me was it the end? Well it boosted my confidence level and made me more happy for doing something useful, compared to the time and money I spend in watching movies, coffees with friends, unnecessary shopping ( which is only sometimes that I do), seeing TV. Ok, I stop here, as I am now feeling guilty to write the list of useless work that I do :). Let me see now how this stepping stone helps me do something for the nature and take a step further and do my bit, in order to save nature.
First step would be to stop using plastic covers…..
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
Anathematized Phrases
Coming to the phrases I was talking about, how many of you use the phrase - “What the hell!” frequently? Well, at least I do. Though not being anything more than a gesticulation exclaimed, when you don’t like a particular thing or as a replacement to “What is it?”
Googling “what the hell” gave me this as the closest answer –
The earliest use in print recorded by editors of the Oxford English Dictionary comes from the 1920s. From a story handed down in my family (U.S.), I know the phrase was used in the late 19th century, if not earlier.
It might have come from "what IN hell...," similar to "what on earth...." That's speculation, though.
Doesn’t seem like the answer to my question!!! :) Still…
I got to read in another blog, talking about similar such phrases which makes no sense but was an interesting read.
That’s “Exponential Increase”. An exponent as we read, in our lower grades is “to the power of” something. Now if, 10 to the power of 2 equal to 100, similarly, 10 to the power .5 is 3.17. Both of them are exponentials yet so different. So, even the very word, “exponential increase” is so relative.
Business, when says we are aiming to increase our profits or revenue or anything, exponentially, it really doesn’t mean anything much. There’s nothing which gives you any idea of what does the business really aims at.
The whole intention of me to write this is why do we use such phrases, without much sense, especially when we use them in our conversation so liberally? Well I would just leave the topic here, and add on other such phrases which I come across and meanwhile try to stop using such phrases. ;)
Sunday, June 28, 2009
What I think !!
How important is it to have fun @ office? When I joined office, I was so shocked seeing the number of fun activities going on in the office. Earlier I thought what kind of an office is this? Because, the first outing we had was “Our native village” in outskirts of the city. First two hours was some activity out there, but later, as soon as drinks started getting served followed by lunch, till around late two 0’ clock, there was nothing but chatting getting to talk to new people.
Being a fresher (now no more, but still) I was called for the fun team meeting in the office. As soon as I entered the conference room, I was taken aback seeing the people around me, my manager’s manager, other managers and some other people with good experience in the office. I was like, oh o. I thought, I will not come from next time, as of course it was optional. But as the one hour meeting went on, it was so good to see such an enthusiasm and encouragement given to everyone to put forth their opinion. I made some very simple “quite” statements. Yes, I spoke them so soft that, I doubt if I could hear them clearly. However, we decided for a trekking cum cave exploration at “Antargange” and left the room. It was happy to see that they planned and discussed so much for a fun event. It was a good trek and cave exploration. Then we planned for a sports day to recreate the school atmosphere. It was a good success with a lot of laughter which broke out when the rope of tug of war broke, and the problem was stated as “lack of testing”. Then we had a very good “Color day” event with vibrant colors. Teams were randomly formed, and then every member in the team had to talk to the person, whom he would have just noticed to be working in the office. Initially we thought that it was not a very good idea as it may not work out. But to an amaze, it did and worked so well that now there is more to smiling in the corridor when you meet these people whom you participated with for just a fun event.It was another, one of a kind experience, to get all busy people to gather at one particular event.
Recently, we had a cooking competition where the teams were again randomly selected, and turned out to be a very vibrant event. The whole country club terrace was filled talking, cooking, smoke(not of cigarettes, public smoking is banned :-)), songs, MJ, time limit, taste, presentation etc etc. But it was good to interact with other people. Giving a five to the team mates as they win and smiling at each other when they lose. It shows so much of togetherness, culture which in India is so much given importance. I enjoy every bit of such social event. And I got to interact with so many people of my org. I understand how different people think, their behavior, their way to perceive a particular thing. It’s a complete experience altogether. I understand even, how managers think. What makes them different and why they are managers? :-)
At the end of it, I can just say that there are a lot of things which you learn from everything, be it small or big. It’s only how you perceive things, positive or…. Anywhere we work, there should be some recreation, to feel fresh to work and every day is a new day then... :-)
Saturday, June 20, 2009
My editted poem (as per friends' advice.. :))
Wondering if I could see the light
You were there with me by my side,
which made me feel so calm inside
As we walked along the lonely path,
I could see only the dark shadow in my faith
As I tripped on the stone,
You were there to hold
Then I looked at you
As you looked at me
Silent whispers of the night
Taking my imaginations to a flight
A soft smile to console
How safe I was to prove
As I looked down slowly
I could see our shadows heavenly
He walked with me
Together, as it was meant to be
Like a dream it came into my heart
Touching my soul, I could feel it at last.
Sunday, June 7, 2009
A walk, a night to remember !!!
Wondering if I could see the light
You were there with me by my side,
Yet everything was so calm inside
As we walked along the lonely path,
I could see only the dark shadow in my faith
As I tripped on the stone,
You were there to hold
Then I looked at you
As you looked at me
Silent whispers of the night
Taking my imaginations to a flight
A soft smile to console
How safe I was to prove
As I looked down slowly
I could see our shadows heavenly
He walked with me
Together, as it was meant to be
Like a dream it came into my heart
Touching my soul, I could feel it at last.
P.S. : My creative work... :)
Sunday, April 26, 2009
"CHANGES".... Ah i hate them...
I hate changes that rearrange the way I live. But no, things have to change. People give me philosophical dialogs – “change” is a rule of nature, like the season change and blah blah… cutting out the crap
For me changes means adjustments, adjustments means further changes and there s just an infinite loop which goes on.
Why can’t I control my life and make it move the way I want to. I have changed my life with a lot of decisions which I have taken. And it has really changed my life. But then those are the ones which I am mentally prepared for. But, the sudden ones, just gets on my nerves. But I know in some corner of my mind, it’s destined to happen and happens and will continue happening. That’s the way, life is. And will drag you along whether you want it or not. Better you adjust to it willingly or get dragged till the end of it. That’s the moral I have learnt.
At this point, I would surely like to say that, some sudden changes are quite pleasant as well, which just brings a smile on your face, well I don’t have any complaints from such changes though… :) just wish they happen often.. :)
Saturday, February 28, 2009
Weekend is such a relief… I simply love them. I do what I want and not according to my calendar. Not that I am very busy person, but can say lethargic to the core.
I get to see a very good movie called “Shoot out at lokhandwala”. Happier, because it was a “One break movie” telecasted on the TV. I am left with confusion in my mind. And this has happened for the first time after seeing a movie. Usually you are happy or sad seeing a good movie or you just say the movie was very bad. But for a good movie, such a reaction is least expected.
It’s based on a real life incident, where a similar plot was setup. I was drooling over the looks of Vivek Oberoi and the especially Ravi Gossain. (Reference: has been in few serials), he looks so S**Y. Oh, no. Don’t mistake them to be elegantly dressed in some XYZ branded clothes. They had the same look of a so-called “Bhai”, but they were very good looking. Ok. I better stop there, or else, this will continue for another 5 pages. ;)
Now the way the movie was portrayed, to the audience was something commendable. A regular movie has either the hero showed to be the GOD or the whole movie from a villain’s perspective. Have you ever seen a movie, where you are confused, whom should you be supporting? I was left confused. I did not know whether the cops were correct or the dons. Especially hot guys…:). Just kidding. But awesome acting combined with a great direction and screenplay, will result in a movie like this!!! The story was presented in such an easy going way, which makes me think why people create so much of confusions in the other movies making it a flop. We like simple movies. No need to complicate it. :)
Must see movie!!!
Sunday, February 22, 2009
Rehman rocks in OSCARS!!!
Coming to his speech, i guess it could be better.He talked about the very well known Bollywood dialog,"mere paas maa hai" in a very wrong context and not assertive at all. Plus, he also quoted a tamil dialog which of course I did not understand, so did the audience in the awards. And for the second award - "All my life I have had a choice between hate and love," he tells us. "I chose love, and that is why I am here tonight." (Can't comment on this, but people who don't know, the correct kind of choices he had and relatively what difficulties he faced, the statement made no sense...). (Quoted from A bit more energy and enthsiasm would have made the speech impressive, inspite of the "locally known dialogs" quoted by him. But then, that's his nature - soft spoken. But it is "The Oscars", c'mon buck up Mr. Rehman!!!
But as we all know, work speaks more than words, so did rehman's music is way too good, to compare with these speech or his fashion sense or whatsoever.
Ultimately, Rehman U rock !!!
Monday, February 9, 2009
Rehman just won "Best Music" in BAFTA Awards.
But then, it doesn't matter till your work is appreciated, no matter late. As the saying goes - "Better late than never"... :)
Delhi 6 music rocks. Awesome beats, in the songs. And i love the way the song "Genda phool" beats after the "mukhda"(the first two lines of the song). Its so unexpected, the way the song starts. That's the catch... Well Rehman, love it!!! Too gooooodddd!!! All the songs equally rock. My first favorite being, "ye delli hai mere yaaaaarr". Really looking forward for the movie, hoping to be equally as good as the movie is.
Well, Delhi 6, i think is better than slumdog millionaire. :)
But music is one thing i like. So good music, good work, will always catch attention!!
Cheers to A.R.Rehaman, HIP HIP HURRAY.
I am sure the OSCARS is yours!!!
Saturday, January 10, 2009
Heard this a lot of times? I will help you remember where... In the television… Still trying to remember where?? Any reality show, more or less they try their level best to sound different, but unfortunately, they mean the same.
Just FYI, Sunidhi Chauhan, had won the "Meri Awaaz Suno 1996" adjudged by the legends in music like, Lata Mangeshkar, Bhupen Hazarika just to name a few!!
Does anyone remember the male winner of the same competition? He was Mr. Pradip Somasundaran. Yes, even I never remembered his name. But then as I was googling, I came across his blog. I was very excited to see the video posted by him, the first episode of Meri Awaaz Suno. After I read the blog, written by him, I was shocked!! Reality shows were as unreal then, as they are now!!! Can't digest this? How can this happen, in those days, when legends of music were judging the reality show?? Yes, he claims to have not got been awarded with what he deserved and promised, which is a very sad state of the so called very hyped up "REALITY SHOWS" which most of the urban population gets involved into, whether it be voting or crying when their favorite contestant gets eliminated.
And above all that, the winning participants are not even given what they are promised? Then why to have a platform set up to make them dream big?
Like many other talented people, even they will do what the other people do. A 9-5 job which they never wanted to, and in spite of having the talent in them, because of lack of so called "resources", their aim to reach the heights, is shattered.
I was moved reading his post. And realizing that, some things just don't end that well also, life moves on.... But the thought will always remains... Will things ever change in reality for "Happies Endings"??
His blog, (fyi) is -
Thursday, January 1, 2009
Happy New Year -2009 !!
A warm welcome to the year 2009 !!